The BrightNight Pioneer Clean Energy Center
Industry-leading solar solution serving Arizona Public Service
The Pioneer Clean Energy Center is a state-of-the-art 300-megawatt solar and 300-megawatt-hour battery energy storage facility located in Yuma County, Arizona. The Pioneer Clean Energy Center will deliver reliable, affordable, and clean electricity to APS customers, supporting the utility’s growing energy needs and enhancing grid resilience.
The Pioneer Clean Energy Center represents a significant investment in Yuma County and the broader Arizona community. In addition to generating renewable power, the project will create hundreds of construction and operations jobs, generate substantial tax revenue for local schools and public services, and provide direct benefits to the surrounding community. As a solar facility, the Pioneer Clean Energy Center also offers a sustainable source of energy without placing undue strain on local infrastructure or water resources, ensuring long-term benefits for the region.
The Pioneer Clean Energy Center is expected to begin construction as early as September 2025, with operations commencing in April of 2027. Once complete, the facility will play a key role in providing reliability to the Yuma load pocket and helping meet APS’s and Arizona’s growing energy demands.
Pioneer Clean Energy Center Benefits
While many are familiar with the environmental benefits of clean, renewable power, the Pioneer Clean Energy Center will also provide a series of other benefits to its community.
For instance, solar projects generate millions of dollars of property tax revenue for the County where they’re located. Because this revenue is created without the addition of significant numbers of new residents, the County is able to lower taxes on its current residents or provide new services—or both!
Another great benefit of solar projects like Pioneer Clean Energy Center conserve Arizona’s precious water (~260 million gallons annually for this project alone). That’s because solar, unlike traditional steam-powered turbines, doesn’t consume water for each unit of energy (kWh) produced.
A summary of the project’s benefits include:
Up to 300-megawatts
Clean renewable solar power
Local and state property tax revenue
More than $42M
Paid to the ASLD K-12 Educational Trust
Jobs created during construction
Over 99% reduction
In water consumption compared to current use
300-megawatt hours
Of dispatchable battery capacity
Future site of the Pioneer Clean Energy Center
In order to deliver the power generated by the Pioneer Clean Energy Center, BrightNight will construct an approximate 9-mile, 230kV Generation-Tie (gen-tie) Line. The project location and gen-tie route are shown in the map below.
We go beyond the standard renewable project
The Pioneer Clean Energy Center is a model of baseload renewable power. At over 900,000 MWh of projected annual production, our project will provide a remarkable amount of clean energy over its lifetime.
One year of Pioneer Clean Energy Center is equal to:
Local homes and businesses supplied with clean power
Metric tons of CO2 removed from the environment
Pounds of coal not burning
Want to Learn More?
Download the fact sheet below for more information on the BrightNight Pioneer Clean Energy Center.
Project FAQs
Thanks to exciting renewable energy adoption across the United States, most people are familiar with the benefits of solar power. But how it’s developed, constructed, and paired with other sources is complex. We’ve compiled a few FAQs to help address your questions.
Talk to the team!
We’re working to introduce ourselves to local leaders, business owners, and residents. If you’d like to chat with us over the phone or schedule a time to meet with us in person, please contact a member of the Pioneer project team.