Innovative renewable power for Australia

The Mortlake Energy Hub

Dispatchable, renewable power that is available when it is needed most

For every Australian to be able to access clean energy, we require ways to store and dispatch it, when it is most needed. BrightNight is proposing the development of a hybrid model which optimises co-located large-scale solar PV (Photovoltaic) and battery energy storage systems (BESS).

The Mortlake Energy Hub will produce 360 MW of solar energy and store a further 600 MW through a battery energy storage system (BESS), which will connect to the existing Mortlake terminal station.  This connection will be established through a substation equipped with transformers to the east of the existing terminal station.

Learn more about our permit application

BrightNight is proud to have our Mortlake Energy Hub under review by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning. If you’d like to review our application and its supporting documents, please visit Victoria’s State Government ministerial permits register via the link below.

BrightNight Permit Application



  • 360 MW

    Clean, renewable solar power

  • 600 MW

    Energy stored via BESS

  • 900

    Hectare property

  • Dual-use site

    Project will incorporate an agrivoltaic feature

Dual land use means mutually beneficial

A common question we encounter is whether building solar projects results in the loss of usable farmland—and its earning potential. In fact, solar farming and agriculture are well-matched, making agrivoltaics a desirable and complementary way to utilise existing agricultural land.

BrightNight’s industry-leading agrivoltaics projects are thoughtfully designed and meticulously installed for seamless integration with land to ensure optimal benefit with the lowest impact for co-located agricultural activities. This allows partnering landowners to enjoy the multitude of benefits that come with maximising the use of their land.

At the Mortlake Energy Hub, we’re evaluating what type of agrivoltaic solution would best suit the land and support local needs. Options include planting native species of plants, using land between solar panels for certain row crops, or welcoming animals like sheep to freely graze the project area.

BrightNight in your community

Our renewable power solutions and our approach to community partnership are industry-leading. Throughout our development process, we dedicate time and resources to understanding local needs and the community’s vision for their future. To accomplish this, we incorporate community feedback during every phase of the development process. We view community engagement and feedback as valuable tools to improve our project designs and local partnerships. Our community engagement work includes:

  • Building local partnerships with businesses and community leaders
  • Collecting community project feedback and incorporating it into the project’s final design
  • Providing ongoing updates to the community over the course of our work

We bring more than renewable power to the communities we serve. By talking with local leaders, non-profit organisations, business owners, and landowners, we learn about local needs and community goals. These can include the need for more job training opportunities, a special interest in utilising project land for native plant species, or the need to promote the community’s commitment to sustainable energy leadership. We then convert this information into action and find ways to serve the community as a local neighbour. Whatever the need, BrightNight leverages its powerful team of experts to develop power and partnership.

We are committed to delivering the highest value in sustainability

Low Water Impact

Solar electricity is a smart choice for water conservation; this form of power generation requires minimal water use for occasional module cleaning.

Low-Impact Infrastructure

The Mortlake Energy Hub is structured and designed to be quiet and have as little impact on its neighbors as possible. The project will not contribute to noise or light pollution in the area.


A solar farm combined with a traditional agricultural activity, such as grazing, is referred to as “agrivoltaics.” Sheep grazing maintains productive land and reduces vegetation management costs. Also, sheep are solar friendly; in fact, they enjoy the shade from our solar panels!

Project FAQS

Thanks to exciting renewable energy adoption across the globe, most people are familiar with the benefits of solar power. But how it’s developed, constructed, and maintained is complex. We’ve compiled a few FAQs to help address your questions.

Talk to the Team

We’re excited to bring the Mortlake Energy Hub to Victoria and will continue to update this page with the most current information on local meetings and project developments. In the meantime, you can always talk with a member of our Mortlake Energy Hub project team. Whether you have a question, concern, or suggestion, we want to hear from you!